What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding is the preventative measures that Archery GB and affiliated clubs such as Jolly Archers take to keep children, young people and adults at risk safe. Archery clubs and organisations should be safe and welcoming places for all. We are committed to keeping everyone who engages with our sport safe from harm, and we proactively address this commitment with our policies, procedures and safe recruitment.
Role of the Club Safeguarding Officer
The role of Safeguarding Officer within Jolly Archers is to manage and report concerns about children and adults and to put into place procedures to safeguard children, young people and adults in their area of responsibility.
Safeguarding Policies
Jolly Archers have adopted all of the Safeguarding Policies and Procedures published by Archery GB. To read more see the links below to those policies/best practice documents or visit the AGB Safeguarding page at https://archerygb.org/about/safeguarding
- The Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Young People Policy can be found HERE
- The Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Young People Reporting Procedures can be found HERE
- Good Practice Guidance can be found HERE
- The “What is Abuse” can be found HERE
- A description of the role of the Jolly Archers Safeguarding Officer can be found HERE
How to Report Safeguarding Concerns
If you are worried about a young person or adult at risk or receive information which you believe puts them at risk, it is vital you report your concerns. Doing nothing is not an option. If you think you, the child, or another adult is in immediate danger and needs urgent help, please call the police on 999. Otherwise use the following contact information.
Safeguarding Contact Numbers
Jollys Safeguarding Officer: | Chrissie Barnes welfare@jollyarchers.org.uk Tel: 07535 807204 | |
Local Safeguarding Contact: | ||
Children: | Referralcentre.children@cambridgeshire.gov.uk Tel: 0345 045 5203 (8am-6pm Monday to Friday) Tel: 01733234 724 (Out of hours) | |
Adults: | Referral.centre-adults@cambridgeshire.gov.uk Tel: 0345 045 5202 (8am-6pm Monday to Friday) Tel: 01733234 724 (Out of hours) | |
Archery GB | Safeguarding and Protection Officer Anne.rook@archerygb.org Tel: 01952 602792 | |
All emails/other forms of communication are strictly confidential.